❱ 2015 - 2016
The dividend is paid @ 30% of profit after tax in view of the Net profit after tax of Rs.36.08 crores.The Divident was paid in presence of board of Directors.
❱ 2014 - 2015
The dividend is paid @ 20% of profit after tax in view of the Net profit after tax of Rs.36.38 crores.The Divident was paid in presence of board of Directors.
❱ 2013 - 2014
The dividend is paid @ 20% of profit after tax in view of the Net profit after tax of Rs.36.38 crores.The Divident was paid in presence of board of Directors.
❱ 2012 - 2013
The dividend is paid @ 20% of profit after tax in view of the Net profit after tax of Rs.36.38 crores.The Divident was paid in presence of board of Directors.