Formulation of CSR policy is a deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision with a touch of selfless community service. The main purpose is to honour the triple bottom line of CSR i.e. People, Planet and Profit. PHL will strive to achieve its aim in r/o CSR by:
- Translating the vision into operational goals
- Communicating and linking it to individual performance
- Index setting
- Feedback and adjusting the strategy accordingly
Pawan Hans Ltd. allocates funds keeping in mind the legal perspective and guidelines of the administrative authorities for achieving its CSR objectives through implementation of meaningful & sustainable CSR programmes. CSR initiatives of PHL focus the areas around our Regional Offices and Detachments.
The CSR Committee of Pawan Hans Limited comprises of Smt. Ami Manish Parikh, Independent Director as Chairperson, Shri Naveen Kumar Soni, Independent Director and Shri Padam Lal Negi, Director as Members.
The term CSRS basically describes business behaviour and is a combination of commercial objectives, meeting legal requirements and also to have a positive
social impact. Having a formal policy helps us focussing on
What is important to our business and
How we want people to
view our Company. The main objective of CSRS policy is to lay down guidelines for PHL to make CSRS a key business process for substantial development for
the society. PHL will act as a good corporate citizen.
Core values of the business are reflected in the personal values through CSR policy. This has the support of everyone connected with the company, Along
with a top down commitment towards bringing the much needed changes in business culture. Also involvement of all the stakeholders may be reflected by:
Employees - The face of the Company.
Customers - Dealing with the customers is an important aspect for us. In terms of CSR we try finding out what is important to them. Continuous interaction
provide us the platform to know their altering opinions and sharing the same values.
Our Suppliers - Getting and remaining aware of vendors' policies and quality and environmental controls.
Our Community - View of local people towards company and impact of business on the community is taken into consideration.
The field areas where PHL CSRS is policy to be implemented may be decided keeping in view:
- The Guidelines provided by DPE, if any
- Legal requirement, if any
- The aims and Objectives decided by the Organisation
- Vision of the Organisation
Each project selection shall be based on Corporate Vision along with keeping in view the impact on environment, society and embedded organizational
benefits. Some of the activities/project suggested are as follows:
- Health (Medievac, Casevac_)
- Promotion of Sports & Games (Heliport at Akshardham)
- Relief to victims of Natural Calamities like earthquake, cyclone, draught and flood situation in any part of the country
- Setting up of skill development centres PHTI-WR, NIASS-NR)
- Disaster Management Activities
- Serving the Metros for faster commutation/Decongesting the Metros
- Helping the handicaps and old to reach inaccessible areas/pilgrimage
Interpretation and coordinating plan of each project may be designed by the concerned implementing team. The broader lines may be advised by the Management
to keep consistency in view.
Methodology to be followed for each activity will follow the under mentioned steps:
- Preparation of action plan
- Long term plan split into shorter plans with specific time frame, budget and milestones of the particular period
- Selection of specialized agency
- Awareness Generation Conducting baseline survey
- Continuous monitoring by specially created mechanism
- Evaluation by independent external agency
Out of these Steps 1,2 and 4 will be processed individually for each activity whereas Steps No 3,5 and 6 will be processed jointly for all activities
selected by the Management.
Steps to be followed for monitoring of each project/activity will be as follows:
- Discussions on implementation by Board
Insertion of separate chapter in Annual Report
(CSR guidelines to form a part of MOU)
(Keeping in view the ever changing trend of society monitoring of impact of the project will be evaluated.)
An integrated approach may be adopted to establish links between CSR policy and other existing company policies to ensure non-conflicting aims. Following
measures may be adopted to quantify the activities adopted for CSR policy.