1. Power Sector:
Pawan Hans provided services for washing insulators of high tension lines under live current conditions for Power Grid as a pilot project:
- Cleaned : 3023 towers
- Flying : 462 hours
- Area : Delhi-NCR and Kanpur
Pawan Hans provides other smart solutions like Pipeline Surveillance , Aerial Photography etc.
2. Pipeline Surveillance:
Pawan Hans has deployed its one AS 350B3 Helicopter for GAIL (India) Ltd. for pipeline surveillance at various destinations in India. Pawan Hans had also provided one AS 350 B3 helicopter to Oil India which was operating with them.
3. Disaster Management:
Pawan Hans has played crucial role during Natural Disasters in Uttrakhand Flood Disaster in 2013, Earth Quake in Sikkim in 2011, Flood in J&K etc. PHL has deployed its Men & Machine in such disasters and saved thousands of lives and dropped tones of materials.
- Moderate to sever seismic area : 59% of India’s land.
- Flood prone area : 40 million hectares.
- Cyclones:10 per cent of the world’s tropical cyclones
4. law and order Surveillance:
Pawan Hans Deployed its 6 Helicopters in Anti Naxalite Area like Ranchi, Raipur, Gadchirolli, Korapur and Agartala
- India is among one of the world’s most terrorism-afflicted country
- Seven Major terrorist attacks like(26/11 Mumbai, bombs in Jaipur, Ahmadabad, Surat, Delhi, Guwahatti, attack on Indian Embassy in Kabul)
- 13 of India's 28 states are affected by Maoist violence
- 92 Districts seriously affected by Naxalite menace
- More than 20,000 insurgents in operations
- More than 6,000 people killed in Naxal uprising
5. Helicopter Emergency Medical Services:
Pawanhans is shortly launching its Emergency Medical Services by considering the unatually accident in India some of the facts are as under:-
- Total of 7,08,478 cases of ‘Un-natural Accidents’ caused 3,77,758 deaths and rendered 5,05,368 people injured in 2013
- Major un-natural causes of accidental deaths in 2013
- Road accident : 36.4%
- Railway accidents : 8.0%
- Use of helicopters in emergency evacuation can drastically reduce the accidental deaths
6. Hot line Insulator Washing for Power Grid (PGCL):
Pawan Hans had also provided valuable helicopter services for the first time in India in collaboration with Power Grid Corporation for washing the insulators of high-tension wires under live current .