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Last Updated on: 17/10/2020

Considering that bribery and corruption is widespread social and Economic Crime, which undermines good governance and economic development in India and corrodes the moral fiber of our society. Considering that all companies and major organization within India share a common responsibility to combat bribery and corruption in all forms and manifestations.

Recognizing that achieving progress in this area requires sustained efforts not only a national level but also on individual Company or Government Department level. Welcoming the efforts of transparency International-India (TII) and other non-governmental organizations as well as business organizations such Pawan Hans Limited.

Pawan Hans Limited is a premier Public Sector Organization and is engaged in providing helicopter support service to the Oil sector in Offshore Exploration, Operate in hilly and inaccessible areas and make available charter flights for promotion of travel and tourism apart from setting up of Helicopters, Helipads, helicopter maintenance training school and National Institute of Aviation safety and services. PHL conducts its business in the highest ethical standards. It does business with a number of domestic and International bidders, contractors and vendors of goods and services (counter parties), PHL is committed to fostering the most ethical and corruption free business environment. PHL values its relationship with all counter parties and deal with them in a fair and transparent manner.

Integrity Pact is a tool developed by Transparency International, which ensure that all activities and transaction between a company or Government Department and their Suppliers are handled in Fair, Transparent and Corruption Free manner. The principal will appoint competent and credible Independent External review independently and obligations under this agreement.

Pawan Hans Limited and TII have developed attached integrity Pact Program in consultation with Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). Pawan Hans Limited is committed to implement this Program within its Organization based on the experience gained in implementing the Integrity Pact Program in Pawan Hans Limited and other Organization, this Program may be further refined to improve its effectiveness whole-heartedly both in letter and in spirit.

TII pledges to support Pawan hans Limited in this regard and provide it with advice and resources in its means to ensure successful implementation of integrity Pact Program and achievement of its objectives. In case Pawan Hans Limited and TII have differences concerning the implementation of the integrity Pact Program they undertake to resolve them through dialogue and discussion. In case, such differences cannot be resolved either party can terminate this Memorandum of Understanding by giving thirty days notice in writing to other party and make such termination public only after it has taken effect. This Memorandum of Understanding will remain in effect unless terminated according to the above provision. The implementation of the integrity pact will be reviewed jointly by TII and Pawan Hans Limited.

Assistant (Vigilance)
Assistant (Finance & Accounts)
Associate Helicopter Pilot (Contract Basis)
Appointment of domestic air cargo booking agent for entire logistics of Pawan Hans Limited. For the period of two years
Purchase of brand new light single engine Helicopters
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