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NIASS Services

The Institute provides services to aircraft operators, owners and General Aviation Operators on issues related with Aviation Safety, O&M, SMS etc and supports the Government and regulating agencies for formulating! implementing rules and regulations for operation, maintenance of aircrafts and development of heliports, maintenance facilities infrastructure in the country.

The institute also conducts Trainings for General Aviation operators, state governments and other stake holders in the Industry in following areas:
1. Recurrent training, pro?ciency checks, CRM, Dangerous Goods awareness, Special VFR, emergency survival, simulator & ground trainings for crew required as per Civil Aviation Requirements.
2. Helping general aviation operators in establishing Safety management Systems in their organizations.
3. OJT for aviation students.
4. Third party audit of operation and maintenance facilities. tion risk evaluation and mitigation.
5. Emergency response planning.
6. Safety audit of offshore oil rigs, helipads and heliports.
7. Developing safety policies/standards & preparation of Operations Manual, Standard Operating.
8. Procedures, Safety Manual as per DGCA guidelines.
9. Market surveys, Business Research and Feasibility studies.
10. Structured courses for VIP and election ?ying.
11. Setting up or providing O&M facilities for small operators.

Assistant (Vigilance)
Assistant (Finance & Accounts)
Associate Helicopter Pilot (Contract Basis)
Purchase of brand new light single engine Helicopters
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